Tag - startups

What’s in a name?

What’s in a name? When it comes to naming your business, the better question might be “what’s not in the name?” After all, the company we know as Apple is Apple. Not Apple Computers. Not Steve Jobs’ Apple. Microsoft? Again, just Microsoft: not Bill Gates’ Microsoft. Many other companies follow...

Your Business, Your Responsibility?

You decide to start your own small business. You’ve done the necessary research, and answered these fundamental questions: What to name your business? What products or services will you offer? Who are your customers? Who are your competitors? Will the business be a sole proprietorship? You even created a business...

Financially Intelligent and Ready for Business

First things first, getting your personal finances in order prior to launching a new business will reduce stress and build your confidence. This is a necessary part of evaluating your readiness for entrepreneurship, and the Dallas Public Library has materials to inspire and encourage you throughout the process.

It’s Time for Your Business Plan

Are you serious about that startup idea? Take the next step by creating your business planning one step at a time. A well researched business plan will be your best tool to starting off on a strong business foundation.

Startup Week is Here!

Dallas Startup Week is a free, five-day celebration of our community that builds momentum and opportunity around entrepreneurship.

StartUp Week Dallas 2017

April 3-7 is fast approaching. Don’t miss out on this year’s free five-day celebration for the startup community.

Transforming a Hobby to a Business

The inspiration for entrepreneurship is limitless, and an activity that you do in your free time can be transformed into a part-time job that supplements your income or a new career. Discover a new hobby, refine an old one or understand if it can lead to a small business.

Historical Context Reflects in Today’s Business Community

Understand ways to improve your start-up by learning from prominent African American business leaders, and how the past influences the business community today.

Business Foundation Series

Are you overwhelmed by the seemingly endless road to entrepreneurship? Do you need to get organized for a well-planned launch? The Dallas B.R.A.I.N. invites you to gain the foothold your small business needs to get started on a direct path toward owning your own business.