
FreshStart Spotlight: Dallas Water Utilities and Parks and Recreation

The FreshStart Employment Program offers intentional assistance to justice-impacted individuals with obtaining stable and gainful employment opportunities within the City of Dallas. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Dallas Water Utilities and Park & Recreation for being deserving departments. For your hiring support and dedication to second chances...

FreshStart Employment Program

Committed to Service First, we intend to serve with integrity, empathy, ethics, excellence, equity. The mission is to interrupt the reoccurrence of recidivism. The goal is to advocate and champion for individuals returning to their communities from incarceration, and others that are underrepresented and/or economically challenged. We will provide a solution to...

Your Business, Your Responsibility?

You decide to start your own small business. You’ve done the necessary research, and answered these fundamental questions: What to name your business? What products or services will you offer? Who are your customers? Who are your competitors? Will the business be a sole proprietorship? You even created a business...

Researching Entrepreneurship: A Woman’s Insight

Business woman Sallie Krawcheck is a featured influencer on and her conversation on risk is an inspiring and insightful course for anyone debating whether to change their career path. Explore’s wide range of soft and hard skills development as well as insight from industry influencers.