Tag - business professionals

Your Business, Your Responsibility?

You decide to start your own small business. You’ve done the necessary research, and answered these fundamental questions: What to name your business? What products or services will you offer? Who are your customers? Who are your competitors? Will the business be a sole proprietorship? You even created a business...

Mentoring for Your Dallas Small Business

Do you have business ideas you want to ask someone about? Not sure who you can turn to for startup advice in Dallas? Maybe a business mentor would benefit you! Continue reading to learn about business mentorship and how to choose a the right mentor.

Researching Entrepreneurship: A Woman’s Insight

Business woman Sallie Krawcheck is a featured influencer on Lynda.com and her conversation on risk is an inspiring and insightful course for anyone debating whether to change their career path. Explore Lynda.com’s wide range of soft and hard skills development as well as insight from industry influencers.

Historical Context Reflects in Today’s Business Community

Understand ways to improve your start-up by learning from prominent African American business leaders, and how the past influences the business community today.