Dallas Leadership Foundation (DLF): Joseph Smith Spotlight

The Dallas Leadership Foundation (DLF) provides a pre- and post-reentry program in Hutchins State Jail. DLF assists people in starting new by working closely with them to create personalized service plans with mentoring that help them reintegrate into society. DLF connects individuals who have been incarcerated in the past with various resources that encompass clothing and medical assistance, employment support, substance-free living courses, and we actively encourage and support their endeavors to reunite with their families.

The DLF prison ministry at Hutchins State Jail oversees over 232 men. They offer leadership development that consist of servant leadership, parenting, budgeting, and more. Upon release, some of the participants are housed at DLF’s transitional house, Onesimus House.

Housing plays a crucial role in facilitating the successful transition of formerly incarcerated individuals back into the community and has a direct impact on reducing recidivism rates. At Onesimus House, these individuals benefit from a range of services including clothing and food assistance, medical care, employment support, job training, substance-free living courses, and ongoing encouragement to rebuild and reconnect with their families. Remarkably, the residents of Onesimus House have achieved a 50% job retention rate after one year. The effectiveness of the program in promoting long-term stability and self-sufficiency.

Joseph Smith serves as a remarkable testament to the transformative work carried out by DLF. Through the guidance and resources provided by DLF’s mentoring program, Joseph was able to pursue his education, obtain a driver’s license, and secure employment. Even to this day, Mr. Smith continues to receive ongoing support and mentoring from the dedicated staff at DLF, further exemplifying the long-lasting impact of the organization’s commitment to the individuals they serve.

The following video provides a first-person account of Mr. Smith’s story, where he shares his experiences during the pre- and post-reentry program. He discusses the benefits and resources he has received through the program.