University of North Texas, Discovery Park

UNT Discovery Park is a satellite research facility for UNT, encompassing more than 554,000 square feet of research and teaching space. Equipped with cutting-edge technologies for research, analysis, prototype development and machining along with faculty researchers at the forefront of their technology field. UNT Discovery Park is a leading center for innovation across engineering and physical sciences for Texas.


UNT Discovery Park is located just 5 miles north of UNT’s main campus and includes the Departments of Engineering Technology, Computer Science and Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Library and Information Science and Learning Technologies. Together, these technology areas provide UNT Discovery Park class-leading expertise and innovation across a wide berth of engineering specialties.

UNT Discovery Park’s 3,000 square feet clean room and nano-manuracturing space provides cutting-edge research and development expertise to UNT’s faculty, students and insustry research partners. The clean room includes a Class 100 lithography area and a Class 10,000 wet and dry processing and characterization area.

The Center for Advanced Research and Technology (CART) is a research center and service facility at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas that supports scientific research activities through its wide array of sophisticated characterization and processing instruments. UNT is among an elite group of public institutions nationwide that offer this complement of facilities.

In addition to UNT-affiliated researchers, CART collaborates with other universities and industries. Researchers use the more than two-dozen machines at CART to analyze materials from the micro to atomic level. Projects span numerous areas of expertise in disciplines such as engineering, materials science, physics, chemistry, and biology and are at the cutting edge of cross-disciplinary analysis, characterization, and synthesis. UNT Discovery Park is an ideal facility for collaborative research between corporations and faculty engineers and scientists. 

Services Provided

Business Planning

  • Write a business plan
  • Write a marketing plan

Management Issues

  • Leadership/Professional Development
  • Recruiting Assistance

Find Funding

  • Technology Grants
  • Accelerator (Startup) Program

Operations and Logistics

  • Freight & Distribution
  • Quality Improvement (supply chain, Six Sigma)

International Business

  • Networking
  • Trade Education and Training

Research Sources and Libraries

  • Business Research Resources
  • Demographic/Census Data

Marketing & Sales

  • Competitive Analysis
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Market Plan Development and Training
  • Market Research
  • Student Marketing Projects

Networking & Associations

  • Demographically Based
  • Geographically Based
  • Industry Specific
  • Home Based
  • Small Business/General

Become Supplier or Vendor

  • Obtaining Government Contracts

Site and Business Location

  • Conference/Meeting and Event Space
  • Incubator Space
  • Office Equipment and Furniture
  • Wet Lab Incubator
  • Dry Lab Incubator

Technical Assistance

  • Commercialization
  • Industrial Technology Research
  • Technology Transfer
  • Pollution Prevention


  • Home-Based Business Training
  • Trade Education and Training
  • Business Management and Strategy Training
  • Accelerator (Startup) Program

New Product Development

  • Product Design & Development
  • Prototype Development

Manufacturing, High Tech, Life Sciences Development

  • Manufacturing Development
  • High Tech Development
  • Life Sciences Development
  • Wet Lab Incubator
  • Science/bioscience Seminars
  • Quality Improvement (supply chain, Six Sigma)
  • Hazardous Waste Generation Avoidance Training
  • Health and Safety Training
  • Pollution Prevention
  • Commercialization
  • Industrial Technology Research
  • Technology Transfer

Internship Programs and Student Services

  • Internship Program
  • Student marketing Projects
  • Student Research Projects

Startup / Form a Business

  • Startup business counseling


  • Mentoring Programs

Startup Event / Community Building

  • Pitch-Type Events
  • Hackathon-Type Events
  • Networking-Type Events
  • Neighborhood Fair or Festival Events

Corporate Responsibility

  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Environmental stewardship
  • Corporate social responsibility
Contact Information
Michael Rondelli
University of North Texas: Innovation and Commercialization
1155 Union Circle 311334
Denton, TX 76203
(940) 565-2944