Startup Weekend Dallas
Startup Weekend provides weekend events where participants come together to share ideas, form teams, build products, and launch startups. Startup Weekend recruits highly motivated developers, business managers, startup enthusiasts, marketing gurus, graphic artists and more to attend the weekend events that build communities, companies and projects.
The participants that attend a Startup Weekend event decide what they want to tackle over the weekend and come out at the end with several developed companies or projects. At the weekend event attendees pitch their ideas to attract a team to launch their company or product. Over the course of the weekend teams work to develop their idea, which they will present to a panel of judges and the top ideas can possibly receive prizes or funding. Startup weekend provides 5-7 meals and drinks, brings in guest speakers and thought leaders, and helps facilitate mentorship for attendees by community experts in various fields.
Services Provided
Business Planning
- Write a business plan
- Write a marketing plan
Find Funding
- Loan Providers
- Obtaining Debt Funding
- Obtaining Equity Funding
- Technology Grants
Marketing & Sales
- Market Plan Development and Training
Networking & Associations
- Demographically Based
- Geographically Based
- Home Based
- Industry Specific
- International Trade
- Small Business/General
Site and Business Location
- Conference/Meeting and Event Space
Technical Assistance
- Commercialization
- Technology Transfer
- Business Plan Training and Assistance
- Marketing Plan Development and Training
- Startup or Pre-Launch Training
New Product Development
- Product Design & Development
- Prototype Development
Manufacturing, High Tech, Life Sciences Development
- Commercialization
- High Tech Development
- Life Sciences Development
- Manufacturing Development
- Technology Transfer
- Mentoring Programs
Brad Anderson
(214) 415-5032
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