Dallas Junior Chamber of Commerce

Established in 1918, the Dallas Junior Chamber of Commerce (DJCC) is the city’s premier network for young professionals between the ages 21 – 41. We offer diverse opportunities for personal and professional growth through professional development, networking, and philanthropy.


Our members are active, up and coming professionals in the Dallas community. Through philanthropic projects and our annual signature events, we make a powerful impact on our community by volunteering and fundraising for several charitable organizations. Professional development is available through membership meeting speakers and our training seminars. We also host a variety of social activities including cultural, sporting and networking events.

We provide our members unparalleled opportunities to gain the experience needed to become more effective civic and business leaders in an environment where they can meet others with the same ambition.

Services Provided

Business Planning

  • Write a business plan

International Business

  • Networking

Networking & Associations

  • Demographically Based
  • Geographically Based


  • Peer Training Programs
Contact Information
SVP of Membership
PO Box 141054
Dallas, TX 75214