PeopleFund – Dallas

Peoplefund creates economic opportunity and financial stability for underserved people by providing access to capital, education, and resources to build healthy small businesses.


PeopleFund provides small business loans and education resources to nonprofits, small businesses, and start ups across Texas.  PeopleFund offers loans up to $250,000 and maintains certification as an SBA microlender and SBA Community Advantage lender that can customize loan and educational products to fit client needs. PeopleFund compliments loans with technical assistance and education through individualized mentorships, group workshops, and specialized development curriculums to expand managerial and financial expertise of small business owners. PeopleFund offers educational curriculums specifically for at risk youth, veterans, start-up and new businesses, and geographic areas with demonstrated need. PeopleFund hosts several academic workshops in addition to the scheduled curriculums covering a wide range of subjects, including an annual academic conference.

Services Provided

Business Planning

  • Write a business plan
  • Write a marketing plan

Find Funding

  • Obtaining Debt Funding
  • Loan Providers
  • SBA Loan Guarantee Program

Networking & Associations

  • Demographically Based
  • Geographically Based
  • Industry Specific
  • Home Based
  • Small Business/General
  • International Trade

Technical Assistance

  • Commercialization


  • Business Plan Training and Assistance
  • Marketing Plan Development and Training

Nonprofit & Social Enterprise

  • Accounting
  • Technical Services

Internship Programs and Student Services

  • Youth Entrepreneurship Education

Startup / Form a Business

  • Startup business counseling


  • Mentoring Programs
Contact Information
Felicia Pierson
2801 Swiss Ave. #120
Dallas, TX 75204
(512) 222-1045