
VolunteerNow recruits volunteers to serve with nonprofits, corporate and municipal members as well as provide a wide range of services that build capacity for our clients.


Nonprofits and government organizations serve a vital role in our North Texas community. They are as varied as the causes they support, but share one thing in common: improving the lives of the people they touch.We know that nonprofit and government organizations are gauged on their ability to achieve their missions, and this is where VolunteerNow can help. VolunteerNow has connected hundreds of thousands of volunteers to a variety of nonprofit agencies in North Texas, enabling them to further their missions, and offers a variety of other benefits to our members as well. We can help your start up or established agency recruit and background check volunteers, build capacity, develop staff, and stretch limited resources by purchasing supplies at a deep discount. Membership is available to most 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations within North Texas and for profit organizations, such as hospitals and hospices, may seek a limited membership with VolunteerNow if they are required to use volunteers to help provide their services.

Services Provided

Nonprofit & Social Enterprise

  • Strategic Planning
  • Human Resources
  • Technical Services
Contact Information
Cathy Hurst
2800 Live Oak
Dallas, TX 75024