Where was I? We’ve all been there: Losing our focus on a task amid the day-to-day events that make up our lives. Usually, the focus returns. Usually, in an hour or two; sometimes in a day or two; sometimes longer. And, usually, the lost focus doesn’t cost us anything other than a delay in whatever activity we’d been doing. However, to entrepreneurs and would be entrepreneurs losing just a few hours of focus can be expensive. Because in the entrepreneurial world time is money! But, rest assured there do exist resources to help you stay focused, focused, focused.

Neil Patel has blogged on staying focused with “18 Lessons on How to Stay Focused While Building Your Startup” (https://neilpatel.com/blog/focus/) and contributed to inc.com with “How to Focus On What Matters as an Entrepreneur” (https://www.inc.com/neil-patel/how-to-focus-on-what-matters-as-an-entrepreneur.html); Nina Zipkin, of entrepreneur.com, gives us “27 Entrepreneurs Share Their Secrets to Staying Focused” (https://www.entrepreneur.com/slideshow/286302); and, David Roth presents “The Entrepreneur’s Dilemma: Focus, Focus, Focus — But on What?” (https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidroth/2012/04/29/the-entrepreneurs-dilemma-focus-focus-focus-but-on-what/#37058199450c). These are but four of the many on-line blogs and articles offering entrepreneurs help staying focused on their enterprise.

Once again, I encourage those of you who have young readers at home to take this opportunity to demonstrate the importance of reading to them: let them know what you’re reading and why. There are still a few weeks remaining for you and your family to join the Mayor’s Summer Reading Challenge. Here’s the link to join:


Who knows? Maybe in addition to becoming a better entrepreneur, you’ll win a cool prize?